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A historian, a writer, an okie, and humble mother of four. History was truly always admired by Brooke Southard, and she was always asking grandparents about "the olden days" and admired history discoveries through the small details like old 1960s movies and shows such as the Andy Griffith Show. Oklahomans are aware of history just due to the Native American history of the state, and some become more curious due to all historic relics seen everywhere locally.
Despite being a humble writer and passionate reader, interesting enough, Brooke struggled learning how to read, but once she began there was no turning back from the love of reading. At age eight, Brooke discovered an absolute passion for history through constant reading of library books, discovering British history through reading of Princess Mary's journey of exile and then becoming queen. British reading led to valued hot tea time with her British/German grandma Carol and great grandma, featuring toast, eggs, and sausage, the typical English breakfast.

Brooke Ellen Southard
Born and raised in a rural agricultural area in Oklahoma, called the Okarche Kingfisher area, she graduated Kingfisher High School in 2006. Raised in a mentality during childhood that could be perceived as suppressive but still had a loving supportive aspect to it. Determined to have control and self sufficiency, Brooke worked full time at a grocery store and waitressed two other jobs. A woman named Kristen noticed her daily at the 6am shift, and hired her as a personal assistant, picking up dry-cleaning, coffee, and lunch while assisting sales staff in the store. The money earned allowed Brooke to take a few college classes and meet some friends while learning on the job. College life was not the carefree zone, but it was more of learning session working her way up to becoming a salesman in Kristen's high end jewelry store. Sales paid high dollar commission and the environment was extremely competitive and entailed getting along with fifteen other women staff.
After moving away from the college area and back to her hometown during 2010, she switched jobs and accepted another jewelry store sales position at a high end store selling not only Rolex watches, but venturing into the diamond world to sell engagement rings to young couples, selling the most per year at that large high end store. Brooke submersed herself into Gemology school via distant education since that employer was supported that, completing the GIA diamond grading lab in Las Vegas, completing the GIA colored stone lab class in Las Vegas, and completing the GIA gem id lab class in Carlsbad by 2012.
When putting her career aside to put family first for many reasons, she still continued to use her gemology school via starting a side hustle business continuing to assist young men find the perfect engagement ring for their future spouses. For nine years straight, Brooke arranged meetings with Oklahoma, Colorado, and New York jewelry stores and sorted through all rings and various loose diamonds, finalizing two diamond options for the men to choose from. This little jewelry business took a break May 2024 till January 2025, as she worked a part time position at a jewelry store in Jackson, Wyoming.
She returned to college and completed her BA Liberal Arts History degree July 2022 from the University of Central Oklahoma.
January 2025 Brooke returned to college in pursuit of her MA History degree, this time at the University of Harvard.